Bunny the Killer Thing (2015)

bunnythingBecause we only live once, you may think you shouldn’t deny yourself the opportunity to see what a movie about a genetically mutated rabbit-human hybrid might be like. If that’s the case, you may as well just get it over with now, via Bunny the Killer Thing.

The Finnish film depicts what happens when a writer (Gareth Lawrence) arriving at a remote cabin in the snowy wild for seclusion and inspiration instead is kidnapped and subjected to an injection that turns him into a bunny monster with a murderous streak and an oversized penis. Much to the misfortune of the young party people on holiday nearby, he longs to utilize both.

bunnything1Expanded from a 2011 short, Bunny the Killer Thing comes courtesy jack-of-all-trades filmmaker Joonas Makkonen. With some two dozen shorts under this directorial belt, he makes his first feature here, which shows in how repetitive the picture quickly becomes as Makkonen struggles to reach a passable running time. His single idea is stretched past the point of breaking. It’s not even that good an idea to begin with — the creature is, yes, but not the misogynist madness exhibited as it hits women and slaps them unconscious with its engorged member, all the while exclaiming either “Pussy!” or “Fresh pussy!” or, one presumes for the sake of coining a culture-penetrative catchphrase, “Who’s gotta bigger digga?”

This infantile approach to splatter comedy squanders Bunny’s initial promise — one that hints at becoming another cult favorite on the level of Dead Snow or Rare Exports. It looks fantastic, yet feels written by two middle schoolers giggling at their own juvenile jokes in the back row of math class. Sorry, Bunny, but you’ve earned no carrot. —Rod Lott

Get it at Amazon.

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